About The Expo


Kenya Small Business Expo is the Country’s largest business-to-business Trade Show – with 108 BUSINESS SUPPLIERS Categories dedicated to help Small Business Owners, Business Professionals and Farmers – to shop for products and services to help start or expand their Small Business.

The Small Business Expo is a four-day Event that will be held in Kenya’s largest Small Business Towns.

The Business Expo brings together over 170,000 Business Owners and Decision Makers invited through more than 30 Banks & Financial Institutions and Expo Sponsors (with Complimentary Invitation Cards) in every Host Town and surrounding Towns – with purchasing power to shop for products and services from Business Suppliers like you.

In addition, 170,000 Trade Visitors are expected to attend each Event, making The Expo the most cost-effective medium for Business Suppliers to reach customers with greater impact at lower cost per customer.

These include Self Employed Persons, Organised Groups and Community Opinion Leaders from the following 30 categories: 

  • Small Business Owners
  • Business Professionals
  • Farmers
  • The Self Employed
  • Organised Groups
  • Community Opinion Leaders (Governors, Senators, MPs, Women Representatives, County Assembly Speakers, MCAs)
  • Saccos Members
  • Matatu Saccos Members
  • Co-operatives Members
  • Farmer Groups
  • Investment Chamas / Investment Clubs
  • Retrenched Employees (Private & Public Sectors)
  • Retirees
  • Employees who are reaching the age of 55 or are retiring
  • Those currently employed (Private & Public Sectors)
  • People who want to help their children or relatives to become self employed
  • Small Scale Traders
  • Jua Kali Artisans
  •  Freelance Technicians
  • Self Help & Microfinance Groups
  • Table Banking Groups
  • Persons With Disabilities
  • Women Organisations
  • Youth Organisations
  • Beneficiaries of National Council For Persons With Disabilities Fund
  • Beneficiaries of National Affirmative Action Fund
  • Beneficiaries of Uwezo Fund
  • Beneficiaries of Women Enterprise Fund
  • Beneficiaries of Youth Enterprise Development Fund
  • Graduates from TVET, Colleges & Universities who want to start a business

For more information visit https://kenyasmallbusinessexpo.com/

Why Trade Visitors Will Attend The Business Expo

Ø  The Expo connects Buyers to Business Suppliers

Ø  To compare and purchase Products and Services

Ø  To obtain Asset Finance Loans

Ø  Special Expo Discounts on Offer from various Exhibitors

Ø  Gather essential market information

Ø  Experts from specific Industries are available to answer their questions

Ø  View Machinery and Equipment Demonstrations

Ø  Get Promotional Information and Products Samples

Ø  Source for Equipment or Spare Parts

Ø  Explore new Business Opportunities

Ø  Networking Opportunities

Ø  Meet over 300 Business Suppliers under one roof


  • Nairobi                      :         November 27 – 30, 2019
  • Nairobi                      :         February 19 – 22, 2020
  • Kisumu                     :         April 22 – 25, 2020
  • Mombasa                  :         June 17 – 20, 2020
  • Eldoret                      :         August  19 – 22, 2020
  • Nakuru                      :         October 28 – 31, 2020
  • Nyeri                          :        December 2 – 5, 2020