Kenya SME Chama Biashara Start-Up Guides

A Job Creation and Income Generation Programme

The KENYA SME CHAMA BIASHARA START–UP GUIDES Project which is aimed at the promotion of ENTREPRENEURSHIP – is a JOBS CREATION & INCOME GENERATING Programme – that seeks to establish 20,000 CHAMA OWNED SME BUSINESSES and create 100,000 JOBS per year.

The Business Start–Up Education Guides will encourage greater participation by indigenous Kenyans in economic activities and stimulate business growth.


The prime objective is to assist Kenyans in organised groups (minimum of 5 Members) – registered as an SME Biashara Chama (Investment Group) – to START and MANAGE a practical, specific income generating SME Business in the AGRI BUSINESS and ENTRERPRISE SECTORS from a DATABASE OF 100 SME BUSINESSES, to be published in the KENYA SME CHAMA BIASHARA START–UP GUIDES comprising

·         50 SME Chama Agri Businesses (eg Horticulture, Ago Processing, etc)

·         50 SME Chama Enterprise Businesses (eg Education, Healthcare, etc)

Each SME Chama Business can be located anywhere in Kenya and is expected to employ not less than 5 Employees in the Business.

Editorial Content

Each AGRI BUSINESS START–UP GUIDE will contain vital market information compiled from farmers, business owners, suppliers, consultants and other experts – which gives the most recent facts needed to start and run each specific business. No government or private institution or NGO has a comparable information database.

Each ENTERPRISE SECTOR START–UP GUIDE will contain vital market information compiled from business owners, suppliers, consultants and other experts – which gives the most recent facts needed to start and run each specific business. No government or private institution or NGO has a comparable information database.

In addition, each START–UP GUIDE will be filled with 24 valuable business management topics including:

–       “Fulfilling Legal Requirements”

–       “How To Write a Successful Business Plan”

–       “How To Obtain A Loan”

Each START–UP GUIDE will have a 20-page CHAMA EDUCATION SUPPLEMENT giving an easy-to-follow, step-by-step format on:

–       What Is A Chama

–       How To Start A SME Chama

–       Chama Management Guidelines


1)    Chama Loan

2)    Sacco Loan

3)     Women’s Loan

4)     Micro Business Loan

5)     Agricultural Loan

6)     Asset Finance Loan

7)     Business Loan

8)    Salary Loan

Target Audience

The target audience of the START–UP GUIDES includes –

·       Beneficiaries of the Youth Enterprise, Women Enterprise, Uwezo and National Affirmative Action Funds

·         Beneficiaries of the County Enterprise Development Funds

·         Unemployed Graduates (TVET, Colleges & Universities)

·         Investment Chamas / Investment Clubs

·         SACCO Members

·         Retrenched Employees (Public & Private Sectors)

·         Employees who are reaching the age of 55 years or are retiring

·          Retirees

·         Those Currently Employed

·         People who want to help their children or relatives to become self-employed

·         Business Owners in the Informal Sector who want to expand

SME Business Start-Up Guide Demo Expos

And to further assist Kenyans in starting and running a business – the Publisher will in conjunction with BUSINESS PARTNERS organise monthly SME BUSINESS START–UP DEMO EXPOS to be held countrywide. Each Expo will be a one-week Event, to be open from Monday to Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm daily.

The SME EXPOS will feature the BASIC EQUIPMENT AND INVENTORY, required to start each of the 50 SME Agri Businesses and 50 SME Enterprise Businesses, listed in the START–UP GUIDES.


ONE–DAY BUSINESS EDUCATION SEMINARS will also be held to empower small business owners through entrepreneurship skills training for effective business management.